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Kids' Corner: Early Learning

Make Sounds:

The ability to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words.

New Words:

Knowing the names of things and also the names of emotions, concepts and ideas.

Tell A Story:

The ability to describe things and events and to tell stories.

Love Books:

An interest in and enjoyment of books.

Use Books:

Noticing print everywhere, knowing how to handle a book and understanding how to follow the words on a page.

See Letters:

Knowing letters are different from each other, that the same letter can look different and that each letter has a name and relates to specific sounds.

The January Rhyme Sheet includes nursery rhymes and finger

plays used during storytime.




Wednesday Storytimes at the Burbank Library
10:30 Baby Storytime-This is a lapsit storytime.
11:15 Preschool Storytime- This is for 3-5 year olds.

Books to Grow On (BTGO)



Each BTGO theme bag includes: books, a curriculum sheet, and other library materials related to specific subjects.  They have been designed for use with preschool children. This brochure has more information. All bags include bilingual English and Spanish books.  The curriculum guide is in Spanish if it is listed below. Just click on the title needed in order to view or print.


The BTGO curriculum is being updated.  Thanks for your patience.

 Sing With Our Kids is an initiative to get communities and families singing with children.  This website is full of children’s book lists, free music downloads and supplemental resources for parents, teachers and caregivers.

Parenting Resources

Early Literacy Skills

To support children's need and want of reading talk, sing, play, read and write with your child everyday.

Library Resources

TALKING:Children learn language and other early literacy skills by listening to their parents and others talk. As children hear spoken language, they learn new words and what they mean. They learn about the world around them and important general knowledge.

SINGING: Songs are a wonderful way to learn about language. Singing also slows down language so children can hear the different sounds that make up words.

READING: Shared reading is the single most important way to help children get ready to read. Reading together increases vocabulary and general knowledge. It helps children learn how print looks and how books work. Children who enjoy being read to are more likely to want to learn to read themselves.

WRITING: Reading and writing go together. Both represent spoken language and communicate information. Children can learn pre-reading skills through writing activities.

​PLAYING: Play helps children think symbolically, so they understand that spoken and written words can stand for real objects and experiences. Play also helps children express themselves and put thoughts into words.

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